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Bitcoin client

We install Bitcoin Core, the reference client implementation of the Bitcoin network.

Table of contents

  1. This may take some time
  2. Installation
    1. Create the bitcoin user
    2. Create data folder
    3. Generate access credentials
    4. Configuration
  3. Running bitcoind
    1. Autostart on boot
    2. Verification of bitcoind operations
  4. Bitcoin Core is syncing
    1. Explore bitcoin-cli
    2. Reduce ‘dbcache’ after full sync
  5. For the future: upgrade Bitcoin Core

This may take some time

Bitcoin Core will download the full Bitcoin blockchain, and validate all transactions since 2009. We’re talking more than 700’000 blocks with a size of over 400 GB, so this is not an easy task. It’s great that the Raspberry Pi 4 can do it, even if it takes a few days, as this was simply not possible with earlier models.


We download the latest Bitcoin Core binary (the application) and compare this file with the signed checksum. This is a precaution to make sure that this is an official release and not a malicious version trying to steal our money.

  • Login as “admin” and change to a temporary directory which is cleared on reboot.

    $ cd /tmp
  • Get the latest download links at (ARM Linux 64 bit), they change with each update.

    # download Bitcoin Core binary
    $ wget
    # download the list of cryptographic checksum
    $ wget
    # download the signatures attesting to validity of the checksums
    $ wget
  • Check that the reference checksum in file SHA256SUMS matches the checksum calculated by you (ignore the “lines are improperly formatted” warning)

    $ sha256sum --ignore-missing --check SHA256SUMS
    > bitcoin-23.0-aarch64-linux-gnu.tar.gz: OK
  • Bitcoin releases are signed by a number of individuals, each using their own key. In order to verify the validity of these signatures, you must first import the corresponding public keys. You can find many developer keys listed in the builder-keys repository, which you can then load into your GPG key database.

    $ wget
    $ while read fingerprint keyholder_name; do gpg --keyserver hkps:// --recv-keys ${fingerprint}; done < ./keys.txt
  • Verify that the checksums file is cryptographically signed by the release signing keys. The following command prints signature checks for each of the public keys that signed the checksums.

    $ gpg --verify SHA256SUMS.asc
  • Check that at least a few signatures show the following text

    > gpg: Good signature from ...
    > Primary key fingerprint: ...
  • If you’re satisfied with the signature check, extract the Bitcoin Core binaries, install them and check the version.

    $ tar -xvf bitcoin-23.0-aarch64-linux-gnu.tar.gz
    $ sudo install -m 0755 -o root -g root -t /usr/local/bin bitcoin-23.0/bin/*
    $ bitcoind --version
    > Bitcoin Core version v23.0.0
    > [...]

🔍 Verifying signed software is important, not only for Bitcoin. You can read more on How to securely install Bitcoin by Luke-Jr.

Create the bitcoin user

The Bitcoin Core application will run in the background as a daemon and use the separate user “bitcoin” for security reasons. This user does not have admin rights and cannot change the system configuration.

  • Create the user bitcoin

    $ sudo adduser --gecos "" --disabled-password bitcoin
  • Add the user “admin” to the group “bitcoin” as well

    $ sudo adduser admin bitcoin
  • Allow the user “bitcoin” to configure Tor directly by adding it to the “debian-tor” group

    $ sudo adduser bitcoin debian-tor

Create data folder

Bitcoin Core uses by default the folder .bitcoin in the user’s home. Instead of creating this directory, we create a data directory in the general data location /data and link to it.

  • Create the Bitcoin data folder

    $ mkdir /data/bitcoin
    $ sudo chown bitcoin:bitcoin /data/bitcoin
  • Switch to user “bitcoin”

    $ sudo su - bitcoin
  • Create the symbolic link .bitcoin that points to that directory

    $ ln -s /data/bitcoin /home/bitcoin/.bitcoin
  • Display the link and check that it is not shown in red (this would indicate an error)

    $ ls -la

Generate access credentials

For other programs to query Bitcoin Core they need the proper access credentials. To avoid storing username and password in a configuration file in plaintext, the password is hashed. This allows Bitcoin Core to accept a password, hash it and compare it to the stored hash, while it is not possible to retrieve the original password.

Another option to get access credentials is through the .cookie file in the Bitcoin data directory. This is created automatically and can be read by all users that are members of the “bitcoin” group.

Bitcoin Core provides a simple Python program to generate the configuration line for the config file.

  • In the Bitcoin folder, download the RPCAuth program

    $ cd .bitcoin
    $ wget
  • Run the script with the Python3 interpreter, providing username (raspibolt) and your password [B] as arguments.

    🚨 All commands entered are stored in the bash history. But we don’t want the password to be stored where anyone can find it. For this, put a space ( ) in front of the command shown below.

    $  python3 raspibolt YourPasswordB
    > String to be appended to bitcoin.conf:
    > rpcauth=raspibolt:00d8682ce66c9ef3dd9d0c0a6516b10e$c31da4929b3d0e092ba1b2755834889f888445923ac8fd69d8eb73efe0699afa
  • Copy the rpcauth line, we’ll need to paste it into the Bitcoin config file.


Now, the configuration file for bitcoind needs to be created. We’ll also set the proper access permissions.

  • Still as user “bitcoin”, open it with Nano and paste the configuration below. Replace the whole line starting with “rpcauth=” with the connection string you just generated. Save and exit.

    $ nano /home/bitcoin/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf
    # RaspiBolt: bitcoind configuration
    # /home/bitcoin/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf
    # Bitcoin daemon
    # Network
    # Connections
    rpcauth=<replace with your own auth line generated by>
    whitelist=download@          # for Electrs
    # Raspberry Pi optimizations
    # Initial block download optimizations

    🔍 more: configuration options in Bitcoin Wiki

  • Set permissions: only the user ‘bitcoin’ and members of the ‘bitcoin’ group can read it

    $ chmod 640 /home/bitcoin/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf

    🔍 *more: The Chmod Command and Linux File Permissions Explained

Running bitcoind

Still logged in as user “bitcoin”, let’s start “bitcoind” manually.

  • Start “bitcoind”. Monitor the log file a few minutes to see if it works fine (it may stop at “dnsseed thread exit”, that’s ok).

    $ bitcoind
  • Once everything looks ok, stop “bitcoind” with Ctrl-C

  • Grant the “bitcoin” group read-permission for the debug log file:

    $ chmod g+r /data/bitcoin/debug.log
  • Exit the “bitcoin” user session back to user “admin”

    $ exit
  • Link the Bitcoin data directory from the “admin” user home directory as well. This allows “admin” to work with bitcoind directly, for example using the command bitcoin-cli

    $ ln -s /data/bitcoin /home/admin/.bitcoin

Autostart on boot

The system needs to run the bitcoin daemon automatically in the background, even when nobody is logged in. We use “systemd“, a daemon that controls the startup process using configuration files.

  • Create the configuration file in the Nano text editor and copy the following paragraph. Save and exit.

    $ sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/bitcoind.service
    # RaspiBolt: systemd unit for bitcoind
    # /etc/systemd/system/bitcoind.service
    Description=Bitcoin daemon
    # Service execution
    ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/bitcoind -daemon \
                                      -pid=/run/bitcoind/ \
                                      -conf=/home/bitcoin/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf \
                                      -datadir=/home/bitcoin/.bitcoin \
                                      -startupnotify="chmod g+r /home/bitcoin/.bitcoin/.cookie"
    # Process management
    # Directory creation and permissions
    # /run/bitcoind
    # Hardening measures
    # Provide a private /tmp and /var/tmp.
    # Mount /usr, /boot/ and /etc read-only for the process.
    # Disallow the process and all of its children to gain
    # new privileges through execve().
    # Use a new /dev namespace only populated with API pseudo devices
    # such as /dev/null, /dev/zero and /dev/random.
    # Deny the creation of writable and executable memory mappings.
  • Enable the service

    $ sudo systemctl enable bitcoind.service
  • Restart the Raspberry Pi

    $ sudo reboot

Verification of bitcoind operations

After rebooting, “bitcoind” should start and begin to sync and validate the Bitcoin blockchain.

  • Wait a bit, reconnect via SSH and login with the user “admin”.

  • Check the status of the bitcoin daemon that was started by “systemd”. Exit with Ctrl-C

    $ sudo systemctl status bitcoind.service
    > * bitcoind.service - Bitcoin daemon
    >      Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/bitcoind.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
    >      Active: active (running) since Thu 2021-11-25 22:50:59 GMT; 7s ago
    >     Process: 2316 ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/bitcoind -daemon -pid=/run/bitcoind/ -conf=/home/bitcoin/.bitcoin/bitcoin.> conf -datadir=/home/bitcoin/.bitcoin (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
    >    Main PID: 2317 (bitcoind)
    >       Tasks: 12 (limit: 4164)
    >         CPU: 7.613s
    >      CGroup: /system.slice/bitcoind.service
    >              `-2317 /usr/local/bin/bitcoind -daemon -pid=/run/bitcoind/ -conf=/home/bitcoin/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf > -datadir=/home/bitcoin/.bitcoin
  • Check if the permission cookie can be accessed by the group “bitcoin”. The output must contain the -rw-r----- part, otherwise no application run by a different user can access Bitcoin Core.

    $ ls -la /home/bitcoin/.bitcoin/.cookie
    > -rw-r----- 1 bitcoin bitcoin 75 Dec 17 13:48 /home/bitcoin/.bitcoin/.cookie
  • See “bitcoind” in action by monitoring its log file. Exit with Ctrl-C

    $ tail -f /home/bitcoin/.bitcoin/debug.log
  • Use the Bitcoin Core client bitcoin-cli to get information about the current blockchain

    $ bitcoin-cli getblockchaininfo
  • Please note:

    • When “bitcoind” is still starting, you may get an error message like “verifying blocks”. That’s normal, just give it a few minutes.
    • Among other infos, the “verificationprogress” is shown. Once this value reaches almost 1 (0.999…), the blockchain is up-to-date and fully validated.

Bitcoin Core is syncing

This can take between one day and a week, depending mostly on your external drive (SSD good, HDD bad; USB3 good, USB2 very bad). It’s best to wait until the synchronization is complete before going ahead.

Explore bitcoin-cli

If everything is running smoothly, this is the perfect time to familiarize yourself with Bitcoin, the technical aspects of Bitcoin Core and play around with bitcoin-cli until the blockchain is up-to-date.

Reduce ‘dbcache’ after full sync

Once Bitcoin Core is fully synced, we can reduce the size of the database cache. A bigger cache speeds up the initial block download, now we want to reduce memory consumption to allow LND and Electrs to run in parallel. We also now want to enable the node to listen to and relay transactions.

  • As user “admin”, comment the following lines out (add a # at the beginning) in the Bitcoin settings file. Bitcoin Core will then just use the default cache size of 300 MB instead of 2 GB. Save and exit.

    $ sudo nano /home/bitcoin/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf
  • Restart Bitcoin Core for the settings to take effect.

    $ sudo systemctl restart bitcoind

For the future: upgrade Bitcoin Core

The latest release can be found on the Github page of the Bitcoin Core project:

Always read the RELEASE NOTES first! When upgrading, there might be breaking changes, or changes in the data structure that need special attention.

  • There’s no need to stop the application. Simply install the new version and restart the service.

  • Download, verify, extract and install the Bitcoin Core binaries as described in the Bitcoin section of this guide.

  • Restart the Bitcoin Core systemd unit

    $ sudo systemctl restart bitcoind

Next: Electrum server »