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Bonus guide: Aliases

Aliases are shortcuts for commands that can save time and make it easier to execute common and frequent commands. The following aliases do not display information in a fancy way, but they make it easier to execute commands.

Difficulty: Easy

Status: Tested v3


Table of contents

  1. Acknowledgments
  2. Set up aliases
  3. Aliases in action
  4. Uninstall


The following list of aliases was derived from contributions by RobClark56 and 2FakTor.

Set up aliases

  • With user “admin”, access to home folder and download the aliases list provided by Raspibolt community at Github. Put “yes” if the prompt ask you about overwrite.

    $ cd /home/admin
    $ wget
  • Inspect the list of aliases to make sure it does not do bad things and modify it with your personal aliases if you want. Exit with Ctrl-X

    $ nano .bash_aliases --linenumbers
  • Execute a source command to register changes of the .bash_aliases file in the .bashrc file

    $ source /home/admin/.bashrc 

Aliases in action

  • Test some of the aliases to see if it has been installed properly

    $ showmainversion
    > The installed versions of the services are as follows:
    > Bitcoin Core version v23.0.0
    > lnd version 0.15.0-beta commit=v0.15.0-beta
    > BTC RPC Explorer: "version": "3.3.0",
    > Electrs: v0.9.8
    > RTL: "version": "0.12.3",
    > Tor version
    > NPM: v8.5.0
    > NodeJS: v16.14.2
    > htop 3.0.5
    > lntop version v0.3.0
    > nginx version: nginx/1.18.0
    $ livehealth
    > Every 1.0s: vcgencmd measure_clock arm; vcgencmd measure_temp raspibolt: Tue Dec 14 15:00:21 2021
    > frequency(48)= 124121523
    > temp=37.0'C


  • To remove these special aliases, with user “admin”, simply delete the .bash_aliases and execute a source command to register changes. The aliases will be gone with the next login.

    $ rm ~/.bash_aliases
    • Execute a source command to register changes to the .bashrc file:
    $ source /home/admin/.bashrc 

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