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Bonus guide: System overview

To get a quick overview of the system status, you can use a shell script that gathers the most relevant data. You can configure it to be shown on each login.

Difficulty: Easy

Status: Tested v3

MotD system overview


This script can be run by user “admin” without root privileges, but you should still check it yourself.

  • Install necessary software packages

    $ sudo apt install jq net-tools netcat
  • Download the script. Make sure to get the right script for the RaspiBolt version you run.

    $ cd /tmp/
    # RaspiBolt version 3 (current)
    $ wget
    # RaspiBolt v2 (deprecated) -- DON'T RUN THIS unless you run an old RaspiBolt version!
    $ wget -O 20-raspibolt-welcome
  • Inspect the script to make sure it does not do bad things. Exit with Ctrl-X

    $ nano 20-raspibolt-welcome --linenumbers
  • If you use a network cable instead of a wifi connection, go to line 19 and change wlan0 to eth0. Save with Ctrl-Oand exit nano with Ctrl-X.

    # set to network device name (usually "eth0" for ethernet, and "wlan0" for wifi)
  • Install the script and make it executable

    $ sudo mv 20-raspibolt-welcome /usr/local/bin/raspibolt
    $ sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/raspibolt
  • You can now run the script with user “admin”

    $ raspibolt

Show on login (optional)

You can run the welcome script automatically every time you log in. If you’re in a hurry, you can always press Ctrl-C to skip the script.

  • As user “admin”, add the raspibolt command to the end of your .bashrc file

    $ echo "raspibolt" >> ~/.bashrc

In case you are upgrading from a previous version of the script, you need to disable the old script to avoid seeing both on startup. In earlier versions, the script was executed by the “Message of the day” mechanism.

  • To get rid of all MOTD output, simply rename the following directory:

    $ sudo mv /etc/update-motd.d /etc/update-motd.d.backup

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